For value-based payors
You know where your risk and quality gaps are.
Let us close them.
Recursive Health’s providers independently perform guideline-based quality and risk activities directly on behalf of value-centric payors and ACOs. No new software or processes to implement.
Providers would need a 27-hour work day to perform all recommended care.
What could your plan do with unlimited providers?
A fully-featured provider clinic dedicated to executing on your quality and risk goals.
It’s not enough to merely understand the existence of risk and quality opportunities. In today’s overworked clinical reality, it’s no simple task to make progress alongside a long list of other urgent tasks.
Make resource limitations a thing of the past by letting Recursive Health stay laser-focused on erasing RAF inaccuracies and boosting HEDIS measures.
All of the capabilities with none of the distractions.
Recursive Health can accomplish everything an existing provider group can do, but without the bureaucratic challenge of implementing new programs or competing with other clinical tasks.
Patient outreach by text, phone, portal, or email.
Verify eligibility and complete shared decision-making.
Order and review diagnostic testing results.
Detailed progress tracking and analytical reporting
Focused efficiency, because it’s all we do.
We’ve built best-in-class playbooks for common RAF and HEDIS activities based on programs at gold standard institutions.
Technology where it’s most helpful
Live providers where they’re needed
Use cases
Ready-to-deploy playbooks for common use cases
Save hundreds of hours of provider and administrator time without breaking a sweat.
Cancer & metabolic screening playbook modules:
Breast Cancer
Cervical Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
New playbooks are coming.
We are continuously adding new use cases. Reach out to let us know where we should focus next.
Learn more and get started at no cost.
We operate at-risk. You’ll never pay for gains you don’t realize.
The benefits are clear
Get back time for in-person care.
Guideline-based screening tasks don’t require complex decision-making. Free your team up for top-of-license activities.
Primary care time spent on prevention guidelines.
Watch quality metrics soar.
Meeting new thresholds for quality bonus payments can drive significant increases in value-based plan reimbursement.
A CMS star rating increase can boost MA plan revenue by 17%
Early diagnosis, better outcomes.
Across all cancer types, diagnosis in early-stage compared to late-stage means a 7X higher survival rate at 5 years.
Number of lives at risk annually from delayed diagnosis.