End preventable death

The operating system for cancer screening

Recursive Health helps your practice or organization to achieve the highest patient screening compliance possible at no cost to you.

Free for providers, non-profits

Diagnose earlier

Improve quality metrics

No new admin tasks

Focus on the care that only you can deliver.

Recursive Health completes cancer screening and other guideline-based preventive care activities that don’t require in-person resources, enabling your team to do more with less.

How Recursive Health works

Patient selection

Recursive Health works with your organization to pull a simple EMR or database query.

This creates a cohort of patients who are likely to qualify for standard lung, breast, or colon cancer screening based on age and medical history.

Eligibility confirmation

Direct outreach verifies patient eligibility based on established guidelines.

We’ll also confirm that screening has not already occurred at an outside institution not included in the primary system medical record.

Brief risk-benefit encounter

A Recursive Health provider meets with the patient to answer questions about testing and discuss the importance of cancer screening.

We bill insurance directly for the visit.

All conversations are guided by USPSTF final guidance recommendations along with any practice-specific preferences.

Scheduling and reminders

Patients who decide to move forward with screening are directed to specialists and diagnostic centers approved by you.

Once testing is scheduled, we’ll send reminders and FAQs to ensure test day goes smoothly, reducing no-shows and boosting compliance.

Better outcomes are within reach

Today, screening diagnostic completion rates are a major bottleneck to finding and treating more cancers earlier.

Tens of thousands of lives are lost every year due to increased late-stage mortality from missed screenings.

Lung Cancer

95% of recommended chest CT scans are not completed.

Colon Cancer

33% of recommended colonoscopies are not completed

Breast Cancer

25% of recommended mammograms are not completed

Integrated by design

Recursive Health works with every major electronic medical records system on day one.

Seamless data relationships means faster results with no new administrative tasks.

Data security is our top priority

Recursive Health is built on industry-leading security standards and practices to ensure data protection at every step.

We’re supercharging preventive care

Early diagnosis is the most effective way to impact outcomes.

Start moving the needle for thousands of patients who deserve their best chance at successful treatment.

From zero to go-live in weeks, not months. Recursive Health delivers measurable results immediately.